I first met Adam at the University of Idaho, where we both studied film and digital media. Through working together on various short films and other projects, one thing became exceedingly clear: This kid is all heart. Given only two words to describe him, I would have to choose “Golden Retriever.” Adam has lived in the Los Angeles area for a few years now, so I don’t get to see him as much as I’d like. A bit of a bummer, but there is a silver lining to his time down there. He met Kathy.

Adam is like a brother to me and that comes with having high expectations for his significant other. I could list them all out, but you don’t want to be here all day. All that matters is that Kathy exceeded them. By a lot. Like, imagine LeBron James competing against a toddler in a game of one-on-one. Visualizing that? Cool. You get it. So yeah, I’m smitten with this girl, and I’m so happy that she’s with Adam. Simply being in the presence of their love makes me grin from ear to ear. They just have such deep, genuine feelings for each other, and I think that translated effortlessly to the camera. Take a peek at the images below, and I dare you not to be moved by their love.

Couples Session in Los Angeles

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